Saturday, October 7, 2017

2nd 1 Cup Flour Recipe: Cookie (2nd try - now using 1 cup of flour)

My 2nd try at cookie recipe

After reading: Cookie Science: How Does Baking Powder Affect My Cookies? and Cookie Science: How Do Eggs Affect My Cookies? and The Food Lab: The Science of the Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

I wanted to try out a recipe with baking powder (levure chimique "alsacienne") and 1 egg

My decision for the 1st recipe:
1/2 cup flour (farine de ble bio T55) from Park and Shop
1/2 cup Quaker quick cooking white oats
1/2 cup butter (approximately: 115grams) or less than half of 200g butter from Park and Shop
1/4 - 1/2 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon milk
2 teaspoons Vahine Nappage Caramel Gout Vanille

The decision for this 2nd recipe
1 cup flour (farine de ble bio T55) from Park and Shop
1 cup Quaker quick cooking white oats
1/2 cup butter (approximately: 115grams) or less than half of 200g butter from Park and Shop
1/2 - 1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon milk
1 egg
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
4 teaspoons Vahine Nappage Caramel Gout Vanille

I decided to cream the butter and sugar again.  This creaming business still smells wonderful.

Now come the egg yolk.  Which now makes it a "raw" and dangerous cookie dough

Then I added the Vahine Nappage Caramel Gout Vanille which made the whole dough smell very very very nice.

Once "creamy", I incorporated the oats and salt and mixed well.

Then the egg white was added with extra virgin olive oil and mixed it thoroughly (possibly mixing some air as well).

To decrease the gluten production I added the flour and mixed and folded.  For this recipe as it felt wet, i did not add milk.

I balled the dough with spoon and fork and the first batched baked for 10mins under 200C oven.

At 7 mins the edges were turning too brown and I decided to open the oven and turn the cookies over but the cookies were too soft.  So I have to complete the full 10mins it seems

I forgot the baking powder...

For the next batch I will incorporate the baking powder

Success!!! This will be my 1 cup flour recipe for the next couple of weeks / months here in Congo-Brazzaville!!!

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